The North Carolina Wildlife Federation is a non-profit organization that has worked for all wildlife and habitat since 1945. They work to bring together citizens, outdoor enthusiasts, hunters and anglers, government and industry to protect North Carolina’s natural resources.
The NCWF was looking to increase the number of clicks and website traffic from it’s $10,000 monthly Google Grants account, which was generating only a few visits a day. The goal was to build greater awareness of the organization, its programs and conservation efforts across NC. The NCWF also wanted to better educate and engage the public about steps they can take to protect the state’s wildlife and natural resources.

The first step was to conduct an audit of the website, site analytics and organic search data to identify opportunities to reach a wider audience by targeting new keywords that aligned with the NCWF’s wildlife protection and conservation efforts. The Google Grants account was restructured and new campaigns were developed to expand the organization’s reach and help tell its story to a new digital user base.
The account was consistently updated to keep it fully optimized and to ensure seasonal events and the most relevant wildlife programs were at the forefront. Website pages and blog posts that functioned as landing pages for the ads were modified so they better aligned with the specific keywords users were searching for to increase user engagement and improve keyword quality scores.
The approach led to a significant increase in traffic to the site and user actions, or conversions, while also increasing awareness of the organization, its programs and mission.
In Q1-2022, the first full quarter after the new campaign was launched, the campaign generated more than 3,000 new users, 616 total conversions and more than $21,000 in free ad dollars was utilized.

A deep data dive was undertaken to understand existing campaign performance and identify gaps to create a more optimized, efficient campaign. Past search query data was analyzed to identify new keyword targets.
Based on audit findings, the account was restructured to pause underperforming keywords and add new ones. New campaigns and ad groups were created to promote specific programs, events and blog content.